Scientific Board
Stipan Jonjić
Coordinator of the Center
Stipan Jonjić is a full professor at Medical faculty, University of Rijeka, Head of the Department for histology and embryology and founder and head of Center for Proteomics. He is one of Croatia’s most cited scientist and member of German academy of sciences – Leopoldina. He was the first Croatian scientist awarded advanced grant from European Research Council and RO1 grant from National Institutes of Healts, USA. He has authored over 200 scientific papers focused primarily on immune evasion mechanisms employed by the cytomegalovirus.

Scientific Board
Astrid Krmpotić
Astrid Krmpotić is a full professor at Medical faculty, University of Rijeka. She is a coauthor of numerous research publications that have been cited over 1600 times. She was the first Croatian scientists that was awarded Howard Hughes medical Institute research grant. She is a recipitent of several awards, most notably yearly national award for science. Her research is focused on immune evasion mechanisms of murine cytomegalovirus.

Scientific Board
Bojan Polić
Bojan Polić je redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju na Zavodu za histologiju i embriologiju Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Voditelj je istraživačke skupine koja izučava biologiju limfocita T i NK, te njihovu ulogu u razvoju upale visceralnog masnog tkiva i u nadzoru virusnih infekcija. Do sada je publicirao 42 rada u znanstvenim časopisima koji su citirani 1867 puta (WoS). Član je više domaćih i stranih strukovnih udruga, te je organizirao više domaćih i međunarodnih znanstvenih skupova, ljetnih škola i radionica. Za znanstvena dostignuća nagrađen je godišnjom Državnom nagradom za znanost (2002) i godišnjom nagradom Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (2012).

Scientific Board
Alemka Markotić
Alemka Markotić is an associate professor at Medical faculty, University of Zagreb, head of the Department for scientific research, Laboratory for clinical immunology and Laboratory for BSL 3 at University hospital for infectious diseases in Zagreb. She was awarded national award for science and has co-authored several handbooks. Her research is focused on hantaviruses.

Scientific Board
Beata Halassy
Beata Halassy is a scientific advisor of the Centre for Research and Knowledge Transfer in Biotechnology of University of Zagreb, and the Head of Laboratory for Immunochemistry and Biochemistry. She has published over 40 scientific articles, and her research has been focused on immunogenicity of complex antigens like animal/human viruses and snake venoms, also in development of in vitro alternatives to in vivo assays, and finally to optimisation and validation of bioassays.

Advisory Board
Martin Messerle
Martin Messerle is a professor at Medical faculty University of Hannover. he was the first to clone the whole cytomegalovirus genome into bacterial artificial chromosome which started rapid advancement of understanding of the biology of this virus. He has also described and characterized numerous genes of both human and murine cytomegalovirus. He is a long-term collaborator of prof. Stipan Jonjić.

Advisory Board
Ulrich Kalinke
Ulrich Kalinke is a professor and the director of Institute for Experimental Infection research, TWINCORE, at the Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research. He was awarded Pfizer award for Medicine as well as Ferid Murad award for his work on interferons.

Advisory board
Sabina Rabatić
Sabina Rabatić, a scientific advisor, has spent most of her career at the Institute of Immunology in Zagreb. Her H-index is 17 and her articles have been cited 777 times. She has received many awards, performed many functions in professional societies and bodies and is a regular member of AMZH.